Isla Canela Golf is situated on the edge of a marshland which creates natural obstacles around the course.
The location provides the habitat for innumerable species of birds to feed, rest & breed. Spatulas, Flemings, Terns, Cormorants, Gulls, Snipes, Fish eagles & several others can be seen as you play the course.
To the east of Isla Canela are located the incomparable Salt mines of the Duke and the marshes that surround them.
The natural beauty of the place is formed by a labyrinth of rivers, streams, tidal areas, channels & muddy plains, which makes visiting the area a must for nature lovers.
Your tour, whether astride a bicycle, walking or sailing a small craft will let you enjoy the spectacle.
The walks around the place are spectacular for the layman in contemplation, and exciting for the expert because of the variety, intensity and quality of the environment.
At Isla Canela Golf we are very conscious of the natural wealth that surrounds us and we take care of it accordingly. We invite you to enjoy it also.
Please follow the link to know and understand our environment better.